Why Muscles Don’t Develop?

Why Muscles Don’t Develop?

There are many reasons why your muscles won’t grow or why your muscle growth is retarded. One primary culprit for your muscle tissue to in a catabolic and not in an anabolic state is the stress hormone called cortisol. This stress hormone, cortisol, is produced by your body when you are under stressful situations. Yes, any type of stress, whether they are mental stress, bodily stress or just nervous stress will trigger off an increased in the producing of cortisol hormones. A high level of cortisol is always a bane for bodybuilders and that in itself, is creating more stress. When you practise or especially weightlifting cadaver structure exercises, you are placing a tremendous stress on your cadaver. This in turn will cause the cortisol hormone in your body to rise to unacceptable level which may destroy your muscle tissues, bone density and causes weight gain especially abdominal fat. Many use HGH, because HGH reduces body fat. The men did not alter their personal habits of eating, smoking, or exercise, yet with the consumption of HGH, they lost an average of 14% of their body fat, while gaining an average of 8.8% lean muscle mass.
How to get your muscle to grow again:

The Arnold Workout


Arnold… I don’t even have to tell you the rest of his name because he is larger than life. Think about it… how many people are known worldwide by their first name only? And, it’s not even a unique name. And what is he known best for? Ok, his roles in the movie industry are pretty memorable, but really everyone knows how he became ARNOLD; Bodybuilding. Still today, after being retired from bodybuilding for more than 30 years, Arnold is considered among the greatest bodybuilders of all time!
But how? How did Arnold turn himself from a scrawny soccer playing kid to a 7 time champion of the biggest bodybuilding competition in the world? How did he become Mr. Universe and blow people’s minds away with his uncompromising physique?



competitors in the IFBB, Nasser El Sonbaty has heaved plenty of weight in his 15 years as a pro. Like most of his peers, he changes his workouts often, but this particular routine is a great example of how he combines presses and flyes for a more intense, and thus more productive, session. “A technique that works well for me is rest/pause, ” Nasser explains. “I may do a set of 6–10 reps on an incline dumbbell press, pause for 10 seconds, do another 4–5 reps, rest again and finish with 1–3 reps. ” Nasser recommends choosing a heavy weight, but not so heavy that you can’t get at least 6 reps in the set.